Course Discription

- Compulsory courses
Global Environmental Health Science
2 credit
Type of courses
Compulsory courses
Wan-Chen Lee
Course Outline
This course explores the fundamentals of environmental health, giving students a solid grounding in current issues and controversies and enhancing understanding of the scientific data that drives these issues. It includes readings that illustrate concepts in the context of a developed country, as well as readings that illustrate that same concept in a developing country. By examining environmental health from local to regional perspectives, the materials also educate students about a variety of environmental health topics including human population, toxicology/biomes, water resources, solid and hazardous waste management, environmental justice, communications, technology, regulatory policy, and the consequences of human activity on natural systems. Some of these issues are further addressed with hands-on experiences in field trips. Though this course, we aim to lay out the facts, make the connections, and demonstrate the importance of crucial environmental health issues to human health and well-being, both in our homes, workplaces, and neighborhoods, and on a global scale.

Course Objectives:

1. Learn how environmental issues affect health and well-being closer to home
2. Discover how different fields incorporate environmental health perspectives
3. Explore the cross-discipline manifestations of environmental health
4. Understand the global ramifications of population and climate change


Course Requirements:

The course sessions will include presentation on the topic of the day by the lecturer and discussions of reading and other topics of interest. The matericals of each lecture will be available on CEIBA for students to download. 


CEPH Competencies Met:



Explain public health history, philosophy and values


Explain the role of quantitative and qualitative methods and sciences in describing and assessing a populations health


Explain the critical importance of evidence in advancing public health knowledge


Explain effects of environmental factors on a populations health


Explain biological and genetic factors that affect a population's health