Course Discription

- Compulsory courses
Principles of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
4 credit
Type of courses
Compulsory courses
Chin-Kuo Chang, Andrei Akhmetzhanov
Course Outline
The aim of this course is to introduce concepts of study design, data collection, and statistical analysis commonly used in public health research with a focus on the application in public health practice. This course includes three parts: The first part is “study design”, which gives an introduction of causal inference and the principle of study design. The second part is “analytical method”, which gives an introduction on data analyses and the applications of statistical method. The third part is critical appraisal of public health literatures. Examples from Taiwan unique research topics are given and illustrated in the course. For lab data analyses, some example datasets will be provided to students. Students will perform statistical analyses using these datasets. We will mainly use R program for class discussion. For lab data analyses, some example datasets will be provided to students. Students will perform statistical analyses using these datasets. We will mainly use R program for class discussion. The TA will demonstrate the R code and provide the answers for specific topics.

Course Objectives:

At the end of the course students should have the following core knowledge and competencies:
1. To understand the principle of statistical and causal inference.

2. To explain how random variation and bias affect public health research findings.

3. To understand the principle of study design in experimental and observational studies.

4. To critically appraise public health literature in terms of validity and applicability.

5. To analyze health dataset using statistical software. 


Course Requirements:

Students should read and review the reading material before and after the lecture. The slides of each lecture will be available on the course for students to download. This course includes lectures for critical appraisal. Students need to download the papers from CEIBA for paper critique.


CEPH Competencies Met:



Explain public health history, philosophy and values


Identify the core functions of public health and the 10 Essential Services*


Explain the role of quantitative and qualitative methods and sciences in describing and assessing a population’s health


List major causes and trends of morbidity and mortality in the US or other community relevant to the school or program


Discuss the science of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention in population health, including health promotion, screening, etc.


Explain the critical importance of evidence in advancing public health knowledge


Explain effects of environmental factors on a population’s health


Explain biological and genetic factors that affect a population’s health


Explain the social, political and economic determinants of health and how they contribute to population health and health inequities